World Record Tree Hug
Date: Friday 27 May 2016
Assembly Time: 11.30AM
Hug takes place 12.00 Midday
Please come on time
Venue: Killarney House & Gardens
Booking NOT necessary: Please come along to hug a tree and be part of this fun world record attempt.

Our World Record Tree Hug attempt by 2016 children and adults hugging 2016 trees in the newly refurbished Killarney House and Gardens (part of Killarney National Park) will capture the imagination of the world press and proclaim Killarney as the tree hugging capital of the world.
It is fitting that such an event should take place in Killarney as it was the first National Park to be established in the State (1932) and includes the last remnants of Ireland’s ancient forests – a national treasure trove of ancient Oaks and Scot’s Pines. Visitors will have the opportunity to participate in walks to suit all levels of ability (e.g people with visual impairment).
Just Forests in association with the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Killarney National Park, Killarney Tidy Towns, Killarney Chamber of Commerce and Tourism and the Trustees of Muckross House will attempt to set a new world record for the world’s largest tree hug.
Recent scientific research shows that there are measurable health benefits for people who engage on a regular basis with nature. Trees for example provide a calm setting for recreation and promote outdoor activity in safe, community spaces. A study found that we are more likely to reach our recommended daily walking levels if we live near safe, attractive green spaces where we feel inclined to get out and active.
Well, Killarney is certainly endowed with awesome green spaces.

Thinking TREES is not prescriptive but rather seeks to encourage thinking and discussion around the issues. Thinking TREES is a primary school resource that will help you embed a development education perspective in the curriculum.
All supporting files and resources are available to use on our website at: www.http://www.justforests.org/thinking-trees
“Thinking Trees is an easy-to-use, curriculum-linked resource that will open the eyes of primary pupils and their teachers. Starting with simple activities such as investigating the many uses of wood in the classroom and home, Thinking Trees asks us to consider the impact of humans on the natural environment. Thinking Trees introduces issues of sustainability, interdependence and global justice in an innovative, appealing and timely way.” Irish Development Education Association (IDEA)
Our crowd management Plan
Stewards will be present on the day and we would encourage all participants to please follow their instructions
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Stewards will be present on the day and we would encourage all participants to please follow their instructions
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