Wood of Life Exhibition

Ireland is very dependant on imported timber from tropical and temperate regions of the world. Ireland has the highest per-capita consumption of tropical timber in the EU. This international trade can have negative or positive impacts on people and the places they live in.

The Wood of Life is a hands-on, interactive exhibition for schools, libraries and other education facilities. The exhibition also makes direct links to many of the NEW Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which come in to force in January 2016. More on the SDGs here…

The world’s forests impacts our lives in so many ways! We live in an increasingly interdependant and uneaqual world where natural resources are traded locally and internationally on a daily basis.


Killarney Public Library (you can contact the library from here)


Daily 19th to 22nd May 2016 – extended until Monday 30th May


10.00AM to 5.00PM


Free – however Just Forests would be most grateful for a donation towards our Development Education (DE) work with Irelands primary and post-primary schools.

What Is Development Education (DE)?

Development Education enables people to understand the world around them and to act to transform it. Development Education works to tackle the root causes of injustice and inequality, globally and locally. The world we live in is unequal, rapidly changing and often unjust. Our everyday lives are affected by global forces. Development Education is about understanding those forces and how to change them to create a more just and sustainable future for everyone. For MORE on Development Education please visit the Irish Development Education Association (IDEA) website

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